Are You Being Haunted by Your Ingrown Toenails?

Are You Being Haunted by Your Ingrown Toenails?

Welcome to October, by all accounts the spooookiest month of the year—especially if you make it out to any of Dallas’ legendarily frightening haunted houses or watch a few scary movies on a Friday evening to get into the mood. One common trope in Halloween fiction is...

Fall Sports Injury Prevention

Fall Sports Injury Prevention

It’s fall in Texas! The nights are a little cooler, high school football is in full swing, and people everywhere—kids and adults—are stepping out of the air conditioning and enjoying some more outdoor exercise.Are you one of them? If so, that’s great! We’re sports...

5 Things You (Probably) Didn’t Know About Heel Pain

5 Things You (Probably) Didn’t Know About Heel Pain

Heel pain. How complicated could it be? Actually, a lot more complicated than you might realize! From what can cause it (and what usually doesn’t), to who can get it, to how it’s treated, there may be a lot you don’t know about heel pain. Fortunately, we’re here to...

Foot Care Tips for Athletes

Foot Care Tips for Athletes

Athletes—just like non-athletes—tend to only really think about their feet when they’re in pain. Hey, we get it. You rely on your feet so often, for so much, that you tend to take them for granted. But unfortunately, failure to think about your feet and be proactive...

Keep Sports Injuries from Tripping Up Your Goals

Keep Sports Injuries from Tripping Up Your Goals

If you’re getting out and getting active, you likely have a goal of some sort.It doesn’t have to be hitting the pros or working your way to the Dallas Marathon. You could just be someone who wants to get out and get moving more than you currently are, and that’s...

Simple Resolutions for Active Feet in 2019

Simple Resolutions for Active Feet in 2019

The end of the year is a good time to look ahead and set new goals.A good first step is taking a look at the world around you and separating the things you can control from the things you can’t. (The latter will probably make up a much longer list than you wanted to...